When you’re a people-pleaser and life gets busy, personal wants and needs often become the first to be sacrificed. I’ve been guilty of this and becoming a mom only drastically emphasized this habit of mine. Society also tends to reward selfless, giving individuals (specifically selfless mothers) so creating the space and time to show up for myself felt like the most daunting and selfish task.
Today I’m sharing 3 incredibly simple ways to show up for yourself in your day-to-day. To show up for yourself means you acknowledge and honor your emotions, wants, and needs and you put yourself first. I started implementing these tips after noticing how little I was prioritizing myself on a regular basis and the effect it was having on my well-being. It’s never selfish to look after yourself and these tips are a great starting point if your days and interactions often leave you feeling depleted.
Keep Promises to Yourself
You told yourself Monday would be the day you’d start a digital detox. Or maybe you vowed this was the last weekend you’d put off going to pilates with friends. Whatever that “thing” is you keep promising to yourself but keep pushing off, it’s time to stop. I’ve heard many people say confidence comes from the number of promises you keep to yourself, and I believe this to be so true.
If you want to show up for yourself you have to treat yourself with the same respect you would treat your loved ones. Your daily actions become who you are and breaking promises to yourself is a quick way to stop believing in the potential that lives inside you. One of the best ways to keep promises to yourself is having an accountability buddy. We almost all have that friend who tells it like it is – this is your person. Let them know your goal and ask if they’d be willing to help you on your journey.

Yup, I’m talking about those “I am” statements you’ve seen everywhere. It’s time to implement them into your daily routine because guess what? They really do work. They’re literally backed by science and they’re one of the simplest ways to show up for yourself. My advice is to find ones that truly resonate with you. This will take some time, at least it did for me. Lucky for you, you can literally steal my daily affirmations by clicking here. You’ll be surprised what saying a few nice things to yourself every morning can do for your personal well-being and mindset.
Hold your Boundaries
If boundaries are something that intimidate you or sound like an illusive thing people are constantly bringing up, I highly recommend this book. It’ll give you the permission you might be seeking to finally make some changes. Shifting your mindset and creating space for what you truly need and want is the beginning to setting boundaries that align with the life and relationships you want for yourself. We are all constantly asked to do things our gut tells us we don’t want to do. It’s time to listen to it. And prioritize your days before someone else does.
Share with me below ways to show up for yourself and how you honor your wants and needs. I’d love to hear your well-being tips.
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